Reaction And Diffusion

The Genesis of Flonto

Flonto started as a mobile game prototype during my freshman year. Simple idea: fluid-like enemy using reaction-diffusion systems, shoot stuff, try not to die. Classic.

The enemy’s behavior was driven by a reaction-diffusion system, inspired by Karl Sims’ work (

Initially, Flonto was built on:

Here’s a glimpse of the old implementation:

public struct ParallelJob : IJobParallelFor
    public NativeArray<float> A;
    public NativeArray<float> B;
    public NativeArray<float> Alaplacian;
    public NativeArray<float> Blaplacian;
    public float dA;
    public float dB;
    public float f;
    public float k;

    public void Execute(int index)
        A[index] = A[index] + (dA * Alaplacian[index] - (A[index] * B[index] * B[index]) + (f * (1 - A[index])));
        B[index] = B[index] + (dB * Blaplacian[index] + (A[index] * B[index] * B[index]) - ((k + f) * B[index]));

This approach had its merits:

  1. Learned multithreading basics
  2. Decent performance even on mobile

But it also had significant drawbacks:

  1. CPU-bound, limiting scalability/performance
  2. Complex C# code for parallel processing

Fast forward to now. I’m eyeing a rewrite with GLSL in Unity. Why?

  1. Better performance
  2. I actually know what I’m doing now (debatable)
  3. Shaders are cool

Gonna dig up the old code, laugh a bit, cry a bit, then rewrite the whole thing. Goals:

Shader "reaction-diffusion/StepShader"
        _MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
        _f("f", Range (0.01, 0.09)) = 0.0
        _k("k", Range (0.03, 0.07)) = 0.04
        _du("du", float) = 0.2
        _dv("dv", float) = 0.1
            #pragma vertex vert
            #pragma fragment frag
            // ... (vertex shader and other setup)
            float4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
                // Laplacian calculation
                float2 laplacian = float2(0.0, 0.0);
                for(int j=0; j<8; ++j) {  
                    // ... laplacian calculation
                // Reaction-diffusion step
                float2 val = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv).xy; 
                float2 delta = float2(
                    _du * laplacian.x - val.x*val.y*val.y + _f * (1.0-val.x),
                    _dv * laplacian.y + val.x*val.y*val.y - (_k + _f) * val.y);
                return float4((val + delta).x, (val + delta).y, 0, 0);

To make this work in Unity, we use a technique called ping-pong rendering.

// Ping texture
RenderTexture texA = new RenderTexture(width, height, 0);
// Pong texture
RenderTexture texB = new RenderTexture(width, height, 0);

void Update() {
    // Flip 'em
    Graphics.Blit(texA, texB, reactionDiffusionMaterial);
    SwapTextures(ref texA, ref texB);

Why not to use compute shaders? WebGL hates compute shaders. But who’s making web games in 2023 anyway? (Oh wait, we are.) But at least, no more C# Jobs headaches.